Powered by
And written with Vim!
- Leo Wzukw
- RomFouq
Remix it!
Except where otherwise noted, the OcLaunch Website by http://www.oclaunch.tuxfamily.org is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Fonts used on this website
Source Sans Pro
The main font used on this website is based on Source Sans Pro.
If you use the woff version of the file, I can't call it Source Sans Pro. If you use the otf version, it's Source Sans Pro, I didn't change it. Everything, especially the licence, is in this folder.
The main font used for titles is based on Oswald.
If you use the woff version of the file, I can't call it Oswald. If you use the ttf version, it's Oswald, I didn't change it. Everything, especially the licence, is in this folder.
Stardos Stendcil
The font used for the main title is based on Stardos Stencil.
If you use the woff version of the file, I can't call it Stardos Stencil. If you use the ttf version, it's Stardos Stencil, I didn't change it. Everything, especially the licence, is in this folder.
Font Awesome
Most of the icons are FontAwesome ones, directly from their CDN.
Source Code Pro
For the code, I'm using a font based on Source Code Pro.
If you use the woff version of the file, I can't call it Source Code Pro. If you use the ttf version, it's Source Code Pro, I didn't change it. Everything, especially the licence, is in this folder.