FAQ Summary
1. Do I have to use OcLaunch with a terminal?
No. Even if most of examples are based on this use case, you can use it with almost anything, you just need to call the program. For example, a git hook or a shortcut may be a good way to use it. 2. What's the difference with CRON?
CRON is a well known tools for automation. It has 3 main differences with oclaunch. - Easiness: OcLaunch aims to be much more easy to use since you have commands to add entries, colorization, progression and an friendly community.
- Planning: with OcLaunch you call the program, you choose when to launch next entry. With CRON, you need to choose a date where it would be the best moment to launch a given command. You must predict and know what the user would do. With OcLaunch, the user has the control, he know when to launch what. Consider the example of a backup during the lunch break. What's the best: consider that the user would go to eat at a given hour or let him say to OcLaunch when he actually goes to eat?
- In user space: OcLaunch launch commands in the user space, for example in your terminal or desktop. CRON work almost under the hood, with it's own environment. A different environment can be a problem with command you test in your session, but which work awfully in CRON. Consider the number of problem caused by this fact.
3. What's the difference with a simple add in .bashrc?
A simple add of the command you want to launch in the bashrc may looks easier but in fact, it launch alway the same things, during all the session. With OcLaunch, it launch each item and then stop, when all is done. It can finish its work.